Thursday 29 September 2016

The Rainbow - Sign of God's Love and Grace

God's love 

Image of a complete arc rainbow
I sat in my study this morning musing on how sad it is that I allow my childhood experience to influence my heart appreciation of the fact that God loves me; he really does appreciate me. Wow! Yet because I had few friends at primary school who wanted to spend time with me I allow that subconsciously to colour my judgement.   

And this despite the fact I knew that my parents loved me – even if it felt like I had to earn that love at times – and I know God loves me.


The Rainbow

Then while I sat musing and praying all of a sudden a brilliant rainbow appeared in the sky, a complete arc of many colours. The sun was shining and there was no rain but still the rainbow.  I felt that God was showing me that he does indeed love me and this was a sign of his covenant of love and grace towards me personally.

I often marvel that God changed the laws of physics just to create the first rainbow for Noah after the flood, Genesis 9:13:-

I have set my rainbow in the clouds, and it will be the sign of the covenant between me and the earth.*

The rainbow was then and still is now a sign of God’s covenant of love and grace towards all the earth and of the forgiveness he offers (Genesis 9:12-17). 

After the rainbow this morning dark clouds rolled in and heavy rain poured down. You could imagine how Noah must have felt! Of course the rainbow disappeared but I had the impression that it was still there, unseen behind the clouds.  And I felt that God was saying that even in the dark times when I cannot sense his love, or feel I don't deserve it, the rainbow is still there, unchanged and unchanging.  The rainbow of his love for me is still brilliant.  And I don’t have to earn it either!

Holy Bible, New International Version® Anglicized, NIV® Copyright © 1979, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide

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